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Types of Education-What are Types of Education ?

Types of education

What is Education?

Before we explain the Types of education we will understand Education. Education is the combination of two acts; the act of teaching knowledge and the act of receiving knowledge So the knowledge that we get from school and any institution is called Education. Education is basically the social activity by which it provides manners, job skills, and cultural norm values to the people. So that It helps society in grooming and improving personal lives. So today, in this age of technology and science education really matters a lot. If you want to compete in the world with your skills and innovation,  then you must have to get a quality education. So, in this way you can compete world in education.

Now, comes to our main topic Types of Education. Well, there are three basic and main types of Education but In this article, I am going to tell you about the main types of education and detailed information about all that types.

Types of Education:

So here are three main types of education are given below:

  • Formal Education
  • Non formal Education
  • Informal Education


Formal Education: (Types of Education)

Formal education is the structure of education from Primary school to University education and It is classroom-based education but The main purpose of formal education is to provide knowledge to society. Knowledge can also get from books or from libraries but Formal education provides degrees and certificates that lead towards your career. Formal education has greater importance because it imparts knowledge and in a proper and well-mannered way. But It also provides degrees and certificates that help the students to make their careers.

Formal Education is important due to:

  • Education learning in proper way so for more understanding
  • Degrees and certificates but it also includes skills
  • Discipline of school and universities because it is very important
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Economy of country can be improved
  • Specialized way so in this way to engage students
  • Organized education

Formal education consists of:

  • Schools and institutes
  • Hierarchal structure
  • Well uniformed and full time
  • Specific subjects
  • Certifications and degrees

Non Formal Education:

Non-formal education is the type of education that occurs separately or outside the formal educational system and It includes planned and structured programs for the young generation to improve range skills and competencies So It is a spontaneous education and is implemented systematically.

Examples of Non-formal education are:

  • Swimming classes
  • Sports clubs and societies
  • Debating competition and societies
  • Boys and Girl scouting
  • Fitness classes
  • Adult education courses
  • Seminars

The importance of non-formal education is due to:

  • According to UNESCO, it imparts education among women and men
  • Minimize the illiteracy rate
  • Access to vocational training, science, and technology
  • Increase confidence and skill among the people so, they can live better life

Non Formal Education Includes:

  • Long process learning
  • Experience learning
  • Learning from Home, Job or from Environment

Informal Education: (Types of Education)

Informal education is anything like that can be learned outside the classroom or from traditional formal education So, It is a lifelong learning process but Each individual acquires values, knowledge, skills, and resources in his or her own environment So Informal education is anything that is outside the four walls of the class like a teacher teaches a child, How to eat? This is informal Education.

Examples of Informal Education are given below:

  • Watching informative videos
  • Reading books or articles
  • Participating in Forums and chat rooms
  • Coaching sessions

Informal Education includes:

  • Practical adult knowledge
  • Mobilizes local resources
  • Built on learner participation
  • Real life Examples
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