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What is Post-Secondary Education in Pakistan?

Post secondary education


Post-secondary education is the Education level that starts after passing the secondary education level, and It is also called higher education; the education that is provided in universities and colleges. Normally people think that Post-secondary Education is the best option for their bright future which is true, but if you have some financial problems or you cannot get post-secondary education then you can also choose some other option instead of post-secondary education.

In this article I am going to tell you about:

  • Post-secondary education
  • Difference between Post-Secondary Education
  • Post-secondary Institutions
  • Benefits

Post-Secondary Education:

Post-secondary education is the process that starts after the completion of high school education and leads to your career and In this period you find your specific career that is related to your interest. So The time period of Post-secondary education depends upon the course that you choose for your career and This may be of two years of education, four years of graduation, or any diploma-type specialization.


  • Because completing post-secondary education offers even greater earning potential
  • Individuals with higher education will see higher growth in earning
  • College degree holders face less unemployment
  • College degree helps you to boost your financial savvy
  • Post-secondary educators are more likely to homeowners.

Difference between Secondary and Post-secondary education:

Secondary education:

  • Secondary education is the education, which occurs in schools between sixth to twelfth grades.
  • Subjects included: Math, Science, Social studies, English, Geography, History, Agriculture, Arabic and etc.
  • Less freedom, Intense Study environment, Parents and teachers help students
  • Small class sizes
  • More tests and Evaluations
  • Daily School Diary
  • Total grade depends upon the home work of the students
  • All classes arranged in one class
  • Teachers and parents help you in your needs
  • The school support a lot to student in passing class or exam
  • Normally same schedule or time table for whole year; little bit changes can occur
  • Teachers check copies or notes
  • Many mistakes are ignored by the teachers due to disability

Post-Secondary education:

  • Post-secondary education is the education that occurs in colledge and universities.
  • In higher Education subject designed according to the specific degree course either it Engineering, Meddical or Diploma.
  • More Freedom, Not an intense study level.
  • Class range is more than 30 normally 50 or even more than 50.
  • More concepts and understandings rather than tests or evaluations.
  • Students manage their tasks on weekly basis.
  • Grading depends upon the mids, final and sessional Exams.
  • Every lecture arranged in different class.
  • You have to mature here and own your responsibilities.
  • Your Institute can support you in understanding of concepts but not in passing semester or exams.
  • Different time tables followed in the whole semester or year.
  • No checking like in schools.
  • As I have told you have to mature here so your mistakes hardle ignored by the teachers.

Post-Secondary Institutes:

Post-secondary institutions mean a degree or certified granting public or private college or university, therefore this may include Medical universities, Engineering Universities (public or Private), or diploma institutes.

Types of Post-secondary institutions:

  • Four Years, degree program holders.
  • Two years, degree program holders like diploma.
  • Vocational Schooling.
  • Adult Educational Institutes.
  • Life time learning skills.

Benefits :

Well, there are various types of education but Post-secondary education provides you with proper career opportunities. You can earn well after getting a post-education and As you know according to the overall world scenario quality education really matters a lot. Because education is not enough, Higher education is very important to compete in the world. Because According to the research; college graduates earn more money than others. So Post-secondary leads towards your bright future. Therefore It provides you with research and innovation opportunities in Engineering, Medical, and other fields. So, Higher education allows you to choose your interested field and you can gain knowledge skills and apply them in your career and in your general life. Moreover, you also learn some problem-solving, communication, and personality development skills that help you in boosting your confidence.

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