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How to delete a comment on instagram?

How to delete a comment on instagram

Instagram is the social media platform where we can connect with the whole world. We can make our Instagram id and start exploring the world. But you will not find any useful information or any kind of very informative thing. Because most people use Instagram for enjoyment or to get more followers. Some people also use these social media platforms to promote their businesses so you can also use this platform from a business point of view. On Instagram, we post different things like pictures, videos, and other informative posts. People on Instagram post their comments on our posts. Normally they post their feelings relevant to the post. But there are also some users those post bad comments. Like they post vulgar comments and abusive comments. So, the question is how to delete a comment on Instagram?

So in this article, I will guide you about deleting How to delete a comment on Instagram. Hopefully, this article will be informative for you.

How to delete comments on Instagram?

So, how to delete the irrelevant or vulgar comments:

  • Go to your Instagram profile id.
  • Login to your account.
  • Now just search on the search tab the post, picture, or video on which you have commented.
  • After finding the post, just scroll down and find out your comment.
  • After finding your comment just swipe over it and then you will see the trash bin on the screen.
  • Now just click on the trash bin. So in this way, you can select your irrelevant comments from Instagram

By following these steps you can easily delete your comment from Instagram.

Delete others comment from Instagram:

You can also delete others comment from your Instagram by following these steps:

  • Open your Instagram profile ID
  • Click on the post where the person has posted the wrong comment
  • Just click on the comment and swipe left over it.
  • So, now a trashbin will appears on your screen
  • Click on the bin so this way you can also delete others comment from Instagram

Why delete the comments?

Sometimes accidentally you post a false comment that you don’t want to post or any other random person who has posted the wrong comment and you want to delete that comment. So, this type of comment that you don’t like and you want to delete.

To delete those comments you can follow the steps that have been mentioned above.

Types of comments on Instagram:

On Instagram, there are millions of people. Everyone has his own point of view. So, everyone posts his feeling according to his mentality. But some people use this opportunity just for a fun fact. They post false comments like abuse or other stuff like that.

So, this type of comment is really those you want to delete from Instagram.

But apart from that, there are also many comments those are really appreciatable. Many people use Instagram for information purposes so they don’t post any bad comments on Instagram.

For more useful information please visit: https://being-educated.com/

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